Friday, September 15, 2023


Some scientists say that given the size of the Milky Way galaxy, there are surely other planets with intelligent life. Because...there MUST be!

That's not a good reason. There's the famous Drake equation, of course. It looks like this:

N = R4 x Fp x Ne x Fl x Fi x Fc x L

According to Wikipedia, the problem with the Drake equation is ...

"... that the estimated values for several of its factors are highly conjectural, the combined multiplicative effect being that the uncertainty associated with any derived value is so large that the equation cannot be used to draw firm conclusions."
In other words, the existence of alien life is anybody's guess, wrapped inside a fancy formula. It could well be that there is no other planet with intelligent life. In fact, it may well be that there is no other planet with any kind of life at all. We don't know.

If we are the only intelligent life that our galaxy has brought forth, I think it's a pretty sad state of affairs for intelligent life. We've got one planet that is livable and we've screwed it up pretty badly.

Maybe intelligent life is an experiment that is now beginning to fail. Maybe in a million years, bonobos will have evolved to our level of intelligence and will take our place. That is, if we don't kill all of them first.  According to Wikipedia, bonobos "seem to prefer sexual contact over violent confrontation with outsiders." That pretty much dooms them, especially around humans. 

Sorry, bonobos. You had so much promise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Wow - what a post. I have never had strong feelings that there are other life forms than us. I leave that to the scientists --but then I don't believe them even if they find it. I'm pretty much a distrusting soul when it comes to science and government.

I had never heard of the bonbones (sp) -- I had heard of other life forms coming to our world for sex --I think it was in a movie -- way too funny. But maybe not !!

Nice informative post --- and you are so right --we humans have not taken care of our planet!

Thanks for an interesting post.

Best, LL