Monday, September 18, 2023

The Roof Leak, Chapter 1000

It rained hard last night. Lying in bed in total darkness, I heard it pounding the roof. Then I heard Nuria say, "The roof is leaking."

"No way," I said. I listened closely and I heard the drip of water near me.

I swung my legs out of the bed and stood up. I turned on the bedside lamp. The top of the dresser beside the bed was wet. The base of the lamp was wet. The roof was leaking and it had come through the bedroom ceiling. I could not believe it.

My roof, installed 15 years ago, has been a constant source of leaks from Day One. Every room in the house has had rainwater leaks, both upstairs and downstairs, except for my bedroom. I thought it had been spared, but now the Leak God had come for it.

Nuria put down a folded towel, I put a cooking pot on the towel and positioned it to catch the leak. We went back to bed and I turned off the light. Damn. I'll have to hire someone to attempt a repair. I feel I'm too old to be scrambling up and down ladders to and from the roof. A mishap could be the end of me. As the English say, it would be "penny wise and pound foolish."

But at the moment, I must take my Jeep to a service station and get it inspected. It's that time of the year, again. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it passes and gets a new decal without a major expense.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my -- I'm sorry to hear about your roof -- and goodness --while you were sleeping.

I do wish you the best of luck finding the right person to get it fixed. I think it will be awesome once you get it done once and for all -- and never have to worry about it again.

Good luck with the Jeep as well --

I guess one good thing is the water didn't drip on your head while you were sleeping.

Best, LL