Friday, September 15, 2023

Car Tools

Suppose your car broke down on a highway. You're in the middle of nowhere and all you need to get going again is a screwdriver. But you don't have a screwdriver. You'd be kicking yourself, no doubt.

Automobiles are very reliable, but "sh*t happens". We all know it does. We just hope it doesn't happen to us. But is there any way to ameliorate the consequences if it does happen to us?

Yes. Carry a few simple tools with you in your car. A few simple, inexpensive tools might be able to get your car going again—if only you had them.

So I ordered a small, inexpensive toolset to put in the back of my Jeep. It was about $24 with tax. It took 10 days to get to my door, but shipping was free and I was not in a rush to get it.

<< This is, of course, the case that the tools are carried in. Click for bigger image.

<< And this is what the toolset looks like when it's open. As you can see, nothing fancy. Just some basic tools that one might need in a road emergency. Click for bigger image.

After I placed my order, my partner Nuria ordered one, too. For some reason known only to the Delivery Gods, her order arrived at our home before mine. Go figure.

So, $24 including tax. I hope I never need to use them.

Oh, I almost forgot. I know someone is curious. I bought them from

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I love Temu and have used it regularly and given gifts to my sister -- she loves it too.

I think you all got a great deal on the tools -- I may have to get a set for me as well.

This company has more good items than not -- so I'll keep shopping there. I bought a simple plastic bowl with holes for draining on one side -- my sister loves hers and tells me she uses it constantly. I never saw it before at Walmart or anywhere.

Thanks for the tips on the tools.

Enjoy your day

Best, LL