Monday, October 4, 2010

10 Tip-offs That Fall May Be Coming

Before the leaves change color and fall off the trees, here are 10 tip-offs that Fall may be just around the corner.

1. It doesn’t occur to you to turn on the air conditioner.

2. You close the windows at night.

3. You don’t worry that using the oven will heat up the house.

4. You point a small space heater at your legs while watching TV.

5. You let the small space heater run all night.

6. You haven’t mowed your grass in three weeks and it looks OK.

7. You throw a blanket over the sheet you’ve been sleeping under.

8. You take your daily walk before the evening news instead of after, so you can walk in daylight.

9. You find yourself wondering if the furnace needs maintenance.

10. For loungeware, you dig out that warm-up suit you packed away last spring.

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