Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Meet-Your-Neighbors Night

If they’re playing loud music in the park, it must be Tuesday. This is meet-your-neighbors evening in my little neighborhood. Come to the park and get goodies to eat and goodies to read. Be invited to attend the church up the street, pick up a Crimestoppers pamphlet, or learn How to Prepare Your Home For … something (hurricane? flood? terrorist attack?). Let your child get her face painted and get a free, green Walgreens frisbee (green seems like the one color a frisbee shouldn’t be) or a Walgreens carry bag (it’s green, too). It’s that kind of deal at the park tonight.

The loud music was provided by a National Guard Humvee equipped with some big speakers. Note the airbrushed pictures on the doors.





The October sun has set (it’s only 7:30 PM but it’s already dark). I step outside my front door, point my camera at the park, and shoot a 5 second exposure with moderate zoom. A car about to enter the frame from the right illuminates the street and a parked car; a generator-powered light tower illuminates a portion of the park:


This is a small rehearsal for Halloween night, when the park will be filled with people in costumes, parked cars will line the streets around the park, and there will be stuff for the kids … a best-costume contest, a haunted house, more free goodies to eat and drink. At least, that’s what usually happens. With this economy, there are no guarantees.

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