It was a great day to be outside today: 74°F, sunny, a clear blue sky without clouds – except for a few thin, white streaks that had once been jet contrails high in the southeastern sky. I walked to the CVS store and bought a magazine – Scientific American. Walking back, I saw my neighbor Carey working over flowers and pots and soil in her front yard. Making her yard beautiful is her passion. Carey is an artist and her yard is her canvas. I told her if I was putting that much work into my yard, those plants had better produce something edible. It’s a female thing – making things look pretty. Guys just want comfort.
Today, Carey was busy planting pansies. She was pulling up plants, planting new plants, and re-planting old plants. Some plants went into the ground, some went into pots. Her front yard was a minefield of pots, plants, and soil. It was obvious she still had much to do and I didn’t want to take too much of her time. But she seemed to be in a mood to talk, so we talked for a while and I took a few photos. The sunlight was too bright making it difficult to get good photos. I may go back sometime and try to get better photos of her flowers.
Some of Carey’s pansies seem to have a face. Is that spooky or
what? Well, it is almost Halloween.
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