Sunday, December 18, 2022

Auld Lang Syne

One of my readers left a comment to remind me of another Christmas song, traditionally sung at midnight as the year ends. I'm talking about Auld Lang Syne, and it is one of my favorite Christmas and New Year's songs. Thanks to LL for the reminder of this great song.

According to Wikipedia,

The text is a Scots-language poem written by Robert Burns in 1788 but based on an older Scottish folk song. In 1799, it was set to a traditional tune, which has since become standard.  ... The poem's Scots title may be translated into standard English as "old long since" or, less literally, "long long ago", "days gone by", "times long past" or "old times". Consequently, "For auld lang syne", as it appears in the first line of the chorus, might be loosely translated as "for the sake of old times".

And so, 

The song of the day is Auld Lang Syne sung by singer, songwriter, and actress Lea Michele (Lea Michele Sarfati).


Anonymous said...


That is a beautiful song but it is too sad for me.

Thank you for sharing it


Anonymous said...


I love this song and the sentiment that comes with it. It gives the listener a time to reflect and yes, of course --tears probably will come. After all -- it is about times long ago when the listener felt that those were the best days of their lives.

To me it means respecting those whom have gone before us and taking the moment to honor their memory (whether they're deceased or just no longer a part of your life).

Sometimes a good cry is very healthy and cleansing. If we are presently sad and depressed listening to this song gives credence to those people and times that may be the catalyst of our sadness ---so I think it's healthy to reflect and maybe each time you do it -- you can put to rest some of the issues causing your sadness. At least I don't think it does harm.

Blessings for putting it on your blog --

Now when I listen to the song this new memory will pop up and give me a smile !!

God Bless