Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Late December

This morning, I got out of bed and I walked around the bed to the bedroom window (one of them) to adjust the Venetian blinds, and I discovered that the window was cracked open a half inch. It's probably been open since autumn, but I keep the blinds closed and no one could see that it was open. That may explain why my heating system has been running so much. When it's 8 degrees outside and your bedroom window is open, even a half inch, the room is going to be chilly and the heat is going to run. The opening was a half inch wide and 36 inches tall. That's equal to one inch by18 inches tall. And that's 18 square inches, which is equivalent to a round hole that has a 5.75 inch diameter. That's an almost six inch diameter hole in the wall. When the oil company fills up my heating oil tank, I'm going to pay for that oversight.

Nuria is going to get a haircut today, her first since she arrived here on September 20th, a little over three months ago. She's going to walk to the hairdresser's shop for a 3PM appointment, then walk home. Then we'll drive to Enterprise Rent-a-Car so she can pick up a rental car to use until the insurance matters are settled and she can buy another car. I hope that will happen in January.

We visited one of my very good friends yesterday. He is in poor condition. He is unable to stand up or walk due to several health problems. I hope he will survive this year, but with the condition that he is in, he's probably ready to go. There often comes a time when life is more of a burden than a joy, and the future holds no promise of change. 

I'm going to start a diet on New Year's Day. I'd like to lose about 30 pounds. I've tried before, and I've given up. I went on the Atkin's Diet three times. Each time, the same thing happened. I began losing weight for two weeks, then my weight stabilized for two weeks, then I gained weight for two weeks, at which point my weight was equal to my starting weight. At that point I quit the diet. So this time I'll have to do something different. Maybe combine Atkin's with a fast every other day?  I know I'd feel better if I weighed less, but I definitely don't want to be hungry every day.

Jonah Goldberg has an interesting column in the LA Times today. He compares Trump's annus horribilis (as he describes it) with Nixon's scandalous presidency. You can read it here.


Anonymous said...


It's good that you found the open window when you did -- I leave mine open at night to get fresh air -- but my heating vent is off in my room as well.

So glad you got to visit your friend -- you have always been so practical in life and death events --but it will be hard not to have your friend around anymore. I sure hope he makes a recovery but like you say --sometimes you just know.

Good for Nuria walking -- I am green and wish I would make myself do it --

I'm spring cleaning and that's more important right now -- but I need to diet as well. Maybe we can do it together -- a contest of sorts -- but you have a mate to help and encourage you.

I love making New Year's resolutions -- I try to keep them within the scope of me being able to succeed.
You will succeed at your diet -- this time is different !!

Enjoy the sunshine tomorrow and the warmer summer like weather --

Best, LL

Anonymous said...

Good morning!

I like the way how you describe measures from the crack of your window, very smart.

Good for Nuria that she is willing to walk even when it is cold. I do that from time to time but I prefer to stay warm at home.

To start a diet is always a challenge and difficult to accomplish but I wish you the best for 2023. It is good to start a new year with goals and I hope you will make it.

I hope your friend will recover and I'm glad you are visiting him. That makes sick people to feel better and you feel better practicing charity. I will keep him in my prayers.

Good luck with all the plans you have for next year and I wish you the best to you and Nuria.