Monday, December 19, 2022

Christmas 1915

I've posted this before, but inasmuch as we're approaching Christmas, I think it's appropriate to post it again.

The song of the day is Christmas 1915 by Irish singing group Celtic Thunder. The song is about a Christmas truce that occurred on the front lines during World War 1.


Anonymous said...


OMG This is another of my favorites -- George Donaldson died of a heart attack a handful of years ago and Damien is just going to be on Dancing with the Stars this upcoming season.

I can just picture this scene in my mind where they stop fighting and go have Christmas together. I don't know if this is real or not -- I suspect not !!

What a wonderful world if they could lay down their arms and stop shooting one another.

Thanks for the lovely reminder.

Best, LL

Anonymous said...


This is a lovely song, but like the previous one, it makes feel sad maybe because there are relatives, friends that are not with us anymore. I have lost many friends this year, especially this month and it is sad and I don't understand why if it is Jesus Christ's birthday, why these songs are sad.

It looks like you and LL are connected and have the same likes about these songs. Very good!

Keep warm and thank you for these songs.